I Need Help

We see you and we’ve got your back!

If you are in immediate danger, call 9-1-1 or go to your local emergency room.

Can you talk with someone you trust?

Letting someone know that you have suicidal thoughts is not weakness–it is saying that you have shouldered too much, and that you are in serious pain.

If you can’t talk to someone you know, call a helpline in your area.

Can you do something?

You are in a dark place right now. Giving yourself time allows for thoughts to change, solutions to be found and positive events to happen. Something as simple as a small distraction can help the moment pass.

Can you:

  • Take a shower?
  • Go for a walk or exercise?
  • Prepare and eat a snack or meal?

Thoughts are temporary. This moment, this all-consuming feeling, will pass.

Can you talk to someone you trust?

Don’t keep suicidal thoughts to yourself. Talking to someone can be the start of healing. Helplines aren’t just for crisis. Don’t hesitate, speak to someone you trust or contact a helpline in your area.

Create a Suicide Safety Plan*

A safety plan (crisis plan) can play a vital role in keeping you safe when you’re feeling distressed or suicidal. It is intended to help you become aware of your own cues and triggers that signal a suicidal crisis may be developing and can take you through the feelings and guide you until you feel safe. The purpose is to think through what would help you feel better.

Try to find a time when you’re feeling well, calm and clear-headed, rather than when you’re feeling suicidal or distressed.

A safety plan can be completed by yourself, with a friend or family member or with a counsellor or therapist.


Reasons to Live †

What are your reasons for living? Can you live for these things again? Some reasons for living include:

  • Family. You may be concerned for your parents, siblings, spouse or children. What their live would be like after you’re gone, how people will treat them.
  • Fear about suicide. Fear physical pain or death, or of suffering injuries from the attempt.
  • Attitudes. How you feel about life, survival, and coping. You believe that things can get better, you want to prove the haters wrong.

There are many reasons lo live… to travel, for a pet, or a sport or activity. Can these things be reasons to live now and in the future?


It may seem like there is no hope. Can you remember what it feels like? What do you hope for in the future? Maybe you think that “there is nothing to live for,” or “things will never get better.” What if you’re wrong?

Are there things from your past that you feel you could be hopeful for in the the future?

References and Resources

* SFU CARMHA – Centre for Applied Research in Mental Health & Addiction

** Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention (CASP)

Speaking of Suicide